Condo owners in a Palm Beach Gardens community in Florida are claiming their new condos have shoddy construction that has led to their condos being severely damaged and ruined.
Several of the owners said that after a major rainstorm, their condos suffered serious damage due to leaking roofs, damaged windows and defective construction. The condominium association has filed a construction defect claim against the developer of the condos. The plaintiffs are seeking $43 million in damages.
This is a big lawsuit that impacts many people on both sides. Several countersuits have been filed and more than 40 defendants have been named in the lawsuit.
According to the lawsuit, the condo owners claim that the builder did not fix the problems when it was notified of the water leaks and other issues. Instead, the builder blamed the subcontractors that completed the work when building the condominium.
The lawsuit alleges “46 counts of negligence, breach of contract, professional negligence, breach of statutory implied warranties and violation of Florida’s building codes.” Some of the construction defects cited include faulty exterior work, window gaps and sloping balconies that all allow water to come into the condos.
The outcome of the lawsuit could have a significant impact on both the condo owners and builder.
This case is an example of the complex nature of construction defect claims. Many factors are considered in these lawsuits, which is why it is important to work with an attorney to make sure all options are explored.
Source: Daily Business Review, “Condo Owners Claim Shoddy Construction and They Are Fuming; File $45M Suit,’ Samantha Joseph, March 27, 2015